“Immigrant Life” Mika Germond, Thaynan Costa, Madars Apse and many more. Jean Lucca Joner put together Lisbon short-term visitors and newcomers in one edit.
Element – “E.S.P. Vol.2” What can we say? So much good skating in there, you should definitely watch the newest Element video.
Element - "Nature Calls" Extended Version Some "Behind the Scenes" of Element's team skating epic natural skate-able spots!
Vladik Scholz – The Maze Watch out! This happens when you fall asleep with your head on a board game.
Madars Apse besucht Dan Mancina Madars Apse visits Dan Mancina and Justin Bishop and it is inspiring to see how they live skateboarding even without eyesight.
Helsinki HELride 2019 The Helsinki Hellride developed over the years to huge happening and is for sure as fun as the CPH Open.
Madars Apse – Last Words Bei Online-Schachspielen läuft der finale Zug gegen ihn, bei uns hat Madars Apse dagegen das letzte Wort.