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Own Skateboards – “Made in Germany III“

Own Skateboards from Stuttgart is not your typical skateboard company. They work by their own code. The basic principles are simple: go skate and keep it real. Easier said than done, but they really live by the meaning of those words. They‘re constantly out in the streets, filming on gnarly spots and they’ll never sell out. It’s not even possible to them. They press the boards themselves and because of the manual work they can’t (or more liekly, don’t want to) produce larger quantities. So you’re actually lucky if you find an Own board in a shop and should better buy one of those handcrafted beauties. And if you enjoy the video, we recommend watching MIG and MIG II as well.

2019 07 16 Ollie cmyk

Stjepan Lovric – Ollie | Photo: Lars Roth

2019 09 04 Robin Ollie Final 02

Robin Wulf – Ollie | Photo: Lars Roth

2020 02 04 Robin Uni Kickflip Make

Robin Wulf – Kickflip | Photo: Lars Roth

Tim fshurricane

Tim Rebensdorf – Frontside Hurricane | Photo: Julian Haecker

2020 02 08 Stjepan LBS 5 0 Color

Stjepan Lovric – Frontside 5-0 | Photo: Lars Roth

2019 09 05 Stjepan 5050 CMYK

Stjepan Lovric – Frontside 50-50 | Photo: Lars Roth

2019 09 05 Stjepan Boardslide CMYK

Stjepan Lovric – Boardslide | Photo: Lars Roth


Jonathan Stoppel – Kickflip | Photo: Julian Haecker

Robin pivot fakie bullseye

Robin Wulf – Pivot to fakie | Photo: Julian Haecker

2020 03 15 Robin Fs Flip

Robin Wulf – Frontside flip | Photo: Lars Roth