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The Euro Passport

From Paris to Stuttgart with Chrystie NYC

My friends from the United States entered Europe, Paris to be exact, with one specific goal. Don’t get me wrong, all of us appreciated the spots that Santi [Santiago Sasson] had lined up for us and we were sure that the French cuisine would treat us excellently and the gin and tonics at La Perle would taste ridiculously good. Still, there was something else that had a few of us distracted. Something bigger, a life-changing step.

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James Sayres – 50-50

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Shane Farber – Kickflip

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John Baragwanath – Ollie

The Euro passport project was born. It’s also important to underline that this operation is rooted back over a year ago in a Chrystie trip to Spain where John would fall in love several times a day. He would dream of staying in Europe and getting married, which made us come up with the idea that this would go hand in hand with a passport from one of the European member states. No one would remember his Floridian roots anymore. In our heads it sounded so intriguing to transfer Owen Wilson’s (“Everyone’s biting my shit, you know how that goes…”) role in Midnight in Paris into real life. Imagine how close some of my dear friends were to giving it a try (Brett’s tip is: get really sweaty and angry, maybe throw your board around and scream a couple times. Then land your trick a couple tries after. Shows that you’re passionate and persistent). Only thanks to a well-working team effort, we got everyone on the train in Paris en route to Stuttgart on time, no one left behind with the chance for a new identity and life in France.

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Aaron Herrington – 5-0 Nosegrab


Brett Weinstein – Ollie into bank

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Aaron Herrington – Switch wallie

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Brett Weinstein – Backside Tailslide