Nike SB & Pawnshop Skate Co. – “Old Soul” Besides Donovon Piscopo among others there are also Guy Mariano, Lance Mountain, Leo Baker and Eric Koston in this edit.
FA – All The Shit Off The Internet #2 The title is misleading, the distracted boyfriend meme is missing. Among other things. But at least there's all the Fucking Awesome and Hockey stuff.
Texas Johnny Wilson was out for Nike again. This time Texas was on the plan together with a strong squad
Pawnshop Skate Co. CENTER STREET BREAKDOWN The second video offering of Pawnshop Skate Co. from Covina presens 13 minutes of heavy skating including Fitzgerald and Piscopo.
Solo #3 auf Issuu Vom Model-Life in New York bis zum Beton buddeln in der Wallachei deckt Solo Ausgabe drei so ziemlich alle Facetten von Skateboarding ab.
Hanging out with Donovon Piscopo & John Fitzgerald It just made sense that Donovon Piscopo & John Fitzgerald are the face of Fucking Awesomes new born sister company Hockey.