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Samantha Narvaez

Where do you live? 

Currently living in Los Angeles.

Where are you from? 

From Key Largo, Florida.


I’m 26.

What excites you, drives you in skating?

I grew up on a small island and there is hardly anything to skate. So traveling gets me excited. Seeing new places, skating new spots, and sharing those experiences with rad people. 

What else do you do?

I also love to cook and went to school for culinary arts. 

What are your plans for the next year?

Skate as much as possible and continue to travel the world!

Soloskatemag Narvaez 5050

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Soloskatemag Narvaez


What excites you, drives you in skating?

I grew up on a small island and there is hardly anything to skate. So traveling gets me excited. Seeing new places, skating new spots, and sharing those experiences with rad people. 

What else do you do?

I also love to cook and went to school for culinary arts. 

What are your plans for the next year?

Skate as much as possible and continue to travel the world!