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Meet Alina Saytkhanova

Meet Alina Saytkhanova aka @biggestyle. Born in Russia, they family embarked on a journey that led them to Belgium, where they sought a new beginning. Having an independent spirit, however, Alina went further and found their way to Barcelona in pursuit of their dreams – meeting new souls, creating connections, and learning new tricks, new cultures, and new languages. Having a plant-based diet and turning old clothes into new ones, They definitely evolved mentally and takes care of the planet daily. They brand Wesh Skateboarding was born the same year they moved to the city. Alina’s creativity, empathy, and dedication to highlight the transformative power of skateboarding drove them to shed light on the diverse stories of individuals who, by making new homies and sharing life with them, call Barcelona their new home.

- Adèle Hélie

I see skateboarding as a spirit, as a person, it is something alive because it moves and it breathes. It’s definitely another world, a free world without rules. I feel so connected to it although I sometimes don’t, but luckily it always comes back because I can’t breathe without it. Skateboarding is definitely a spirit that introduces you to other living beings. You can travel the world with it and never feeling alone. You will always find a family anywhere you go because it’s not only about skating and making crazy tricks but everything else that comes with it. It’s also a way of communication. It’s how I express myself. We express ourselves with the body and the board in an artistic way.

The best place I found to do skateboarding is Barcelona. I’ve already been living here for three years. Moving here was a big decision because I needed to leave behind everything that I’d built in Belgium. It seems easy, but it’s not, because you’re leaving your loved ones, your home, your security, your job, etc. The list is long, and everything is amplified by emotions because they can emerge to the surface anytime. However, by chance, my homies have always been there for me. I’m really grateful for that and also for the help of my sponsors..

I’ve created a video and spoken about my experience moving here, how fast the city can give you a boost of dopamine. It gets you addicted and you kinda wanna stay there forever because you experience so many feelings that you never felt before. You also learn a lot about different cultures and learn new languages. The flow of eloquence that people have here surprised me a lot. In the video, you can also find Alex Amor and Gabriella Santana explaining their experiences moving to Barcelona and showing the reality of it. I hope the video can help and inspire someone that desires to move to another place.

Alina Saytkhanova Wallride Raisa Abal

Backside Wallride