Why 548 days and why the six cities you chose?
I had planned that the project will take one year… Since I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, but wanted a break from studying, I decided to escape the winter in Europe. Then I thought, why not get as much out of it as possible – different places, different architecture, new spots? Then all of a sudden it was two years, COVID came and it was three years. Then we needed a title for the book and 548 Days was relatively fitting, cause I was out in the streets shooting photos for 1 1/2 years. The cities just kind of fell into place. I've been to a lot of places, but I haven’t found suitable spots for the book everywhere, or sometimes no skaters. Then there’s security, bad weather, etc., which all have an influence on shooting a skate photo.
How did the architectural approach come about?
I always kind of photographed houses and structures. Mostly objects that were rigid. Then I stopped taking pictures altogether for a while because something was missing. I think it was the movement. Now I’ve found it and I’m enjoying it again.