Dennis Laaß - "45" Even with 45 Dennis Laaß can still move his board through the eye of a needle and doesn’t stop even stop to jump on huge rocks.
Mark Frölich & Dennis Laass - A Lousy Double Trouble 2 Mark Frölich & Dennis Laaß are long time buddies and joined forces for this new part.
Dennis Laaß – Street Rave Back in the days Dennis Laaß was raving in the clubs, by this time he’s only raving in the streets.
Dennis Laaß & Mark Frölich – Lousy Livin Part Double Trouble with Dennis and Mark: The Duo infernale traveled through Europe and was just having a lot of fun. Check the clip!
Clepto in Kopenhagen Egal, wie viel Kopenhagen ihr die letzten Tage gesehen habt: Dieser Clepto Clip ist Pflichtprogramm!
Cleptomanicx – Stadt. Land. Skate? Skateobarding in the countryside. The Cleptomanicx boys went to the province of Lower Saxony.
Bundeskunst[skate]halle/ Federal Art [Skate] Hall Skating a museum with the Karl Lagerfeld exhibition's scenery? We were in at first shot and headed off to Bonn!