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Speeddating with Ishod Wair

When we met Ishod Wair in Berlin at the "Wairtest" for his Dunk Low Pro signature model, there wasn’t much time for interviews. That’s why we decided to do some speeddating questions with him. Thinking that would be a quick one. But Ishod is a born storyteller, so the answers took some time. In the end, we only got three, but they’re pretty good.

What is the one thing about yourself that you would like me to know?

[Thinks for a while] I don’t know… [thinks] I wouldn’t be good in speed dating. Bitches would be skippin’ me like, „Okay we don’t need to know you“ – skip. [Laughs] I feel like I’m more complex than people normally think I am. They’re like, „This dude is just a skate rat and that’s it“. But I feel like I’m more of a conservative person. I don’t really wanna put myself out there like that. For me it’s kinda weird that all those people around the world know who I am. I feel like I’m conservative in the most non conservative way, because of the way my life is. I feel like I am really low-key. I also remember something that really pissed me off when I was younger. Now people know that I like cars and shit, but when I was younger – I was maybe like 20 – I had my license and people were like: „You have a license?“ And I was like: „Yeah dude, I’m not a retard! What the fuck! Why wouldn’t I not be able to drive? I am a fucking perfectly functional 20-year old man. What’s up?!“ And that happened a bunch of time and really puzzled me. And there is another thing. I say really sarcastic things and people think I’m serious. People think I’m stupid or something. I know things, but I don’t have to say them all the time. People think I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. I mean I did not go to school till the end and I wouldn’t say that I’m the sharpest tool in the shed, but I’m not the dullest. I’m far from being the dullest.

Ishod Wair

You wanna start an own company?

I don’t know… I’m quite a lazy person. Right now in my life I wanna skateboard. Cause I realized, I’m a professional skateboarder and I skate way less than I used to as a child, cause there is so much more going into everything. I lost a day travelling to Berlin. If I stayed at home, I’d be out skating. There are interviews etc. It’s more than just skating. I don’t skate as much as I did, which is pretty crazy, to skate less as a professional skateboarder.

Ishod Wair

What is your most treasured posession?

[Thinks] Must be something that can’t be sold. Something priceless… [Thinks] At my sisters wedding, my niece gave me the bow that held up her hair. I connected it to my garage clicker. Now everytime I click the garage I see the bow and think about that time. I wouldn’t sell that thing. I used to have it on my hat, but it got kind of red, because I sweated and I took it of. People also asked, „What’s that bow?“ and I was like, „Chill, my niece gave it to me.“ Kids are pretty standofish. When they’re around girls most of the time, other than their fathers. When I come around they’re still kind of scared, but at my sisters wedding they we’re feeling me so much. That was sick. She gave me her bow. Maybe she just thought it was garbage, but I think about differently. She gave it to me in a loving way. That’s pretty priceless.

Ishod Wair