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Skate Urbanism Issue Release in Köln

This Friday we released our Skate Urbanism Issue at Gold + Beton in Cologne. The issue is all about architecture, city planing, public spaces and how skateboarding can interact with all of that. It was a perfect fit that Pierre Descamps (who also shot the cover with a photo of Tetris Spot in Berlin) had a skateable scultpure ready which fits perfectly into the Eberplatz with its hexagon shape and will remain there as part of the Orangement Skate-project. Together withPivot Skateshop we hosted a stuff-for tricks session there. After that you could have a look at a photo exhibition or skate the slappy curb before the video premieres of Theo Acworth and Konstantin Hehl (who is also the man behind the skate project at Ebertplatz) slowly brought the whole story to an end. To say it in the words of DMC: Power!